About Us
We all love a great story.
But wouldn't it be great if you could see products for what they really are?
Without a story persuading you they're something more.
Imagine more clearly judging products to satisfy your needs and avoiding bad products that sold you on story alone.
For education and sanity to help us all see things clearly, Clearly Clocks is a mix of real products and clumsy satirical marketing.
Stories are meant for us to feel emotionally connected to a product. But it's for each of us to decide how important that connection is - so as long as you know its intent and recognize it for what it is - you can consciously choose products that satisfy your needs (and yes, even if your needs include a great story).
For the pure story lovers, of course we've got you covered...with some truth and a heavy coat of spin:
In this chaotic world, we all crave moments of clarity. We wish we could see things others can't and make sense of confusing times. We love to see things fall into place.
Clearly Clocks are designed to deliver you those moments of clarity.
This is where we're supposed to give you a Call to Action to Buy Now! But we're a soft sell shop.
We just want you to better notice things for what they are in this crazy e-commerce world; to see things clearly and avoid any purchases you'll regret later.